Lego Justice League is a 2013 superhero parody brickfilm directed by Forrest Whaley and animated by Forrest Whaley and Sean Willets. It follows Batman teaming up with the Justice League to foil the plans of The Joker and Lex Luthor, who are working together.[1] It is a film in the LEGO Batman series, and was the first to be shot with a DSLR camera (a Nikon D7000), though the opening scene in Batman's lair was still shot with a Sony Handycam.[2]
- Forrest Whaley as Batman, Robin, Superman
- Keshen Matus as The Joker
- Paul Fabrick as Lex Luthor
- Mason Howerton as Green Lantern
- Brock Baker as Aquaman, Announcer
- Alycia Marie as Wonder Woman
- Toby Dale as The Flash
- Sean Willets as Martian Manhunter
- Jason Steele as Shark
- Forrest Whaley - Writer, Director, Animator
- Sean Willets - Writer, Animator
- Mason Howerton - Writer
- NxSG - Original music
Potential sequel[]
For a while, a Lego Justice League 2 was in development, but the decision was made to abandon the project. Forrest Whaley has indicated that he still has some interest in potentially creating a Lego Justice League 2 with a different script.[3]